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You're Impacting One Child, One Woman, One Leader

We are back to Africa this month where you are helping us impact...
one child, one woman, and one leader at a time!

006 (Small)You're Impacting THIS Child...

Enock is 13-years-old and living with his grandmother as his guardian.  He has four siblings who cannot afford to attend school because of the grandmother’s age and lack of income.  You are helping us change his life and that of his brothers and sisters as the school’s construction continues and sponsors are found for each one!

You're Impacting THIS Woman... (okay 12 women)...

Twelve new students for the Women’s Center are being selected whom we will meet when we visit.  Twelve women who have lived without hope and, often, despairing for how to care for their children.  Twelve women whom you are helping us give the opportunity to learn a sewing skill, care for their family, and live with dignity.

Imagine Owning Just the Clothes on Your Back

You Helped Us Bring Hope to Refugees!

ugandacamp2Can you imagine owning nothing but the clothes on your back?  John and his children are living today in a refugee camp in Uganda filled with hopelessness.  After recent training, a church planter named Joseph came to share the love of Christ and the hope that is Him.  Now John and his family belong to a group of believers who are reaching out and bringing that same love and compassion to other refugees.  Hope really does change everything!  Joseph said, “Your help and training have prepared us to share Christ’s love and bring them dignity in the midst of  their incredible hardship.  Thank you.

You can subscribe to “live” online travel updates like this one that came from our recent trip at our travel blog.

10-Day Breakthrough Prayer Journey for You

While walking through a heavy personal challenge last month, I felt God lead me into a 10-day prayer process that clearly fueled several miracles that we saw take place including  my son's physical recovery.  At one point the doctors gave him less than a 25% chance of survival and today he has fully recovered.  Note, however, that this prayer process is not just "God, here is what I want... now give it to me."  Rather, it involves truly and humbly seeking His will, His purposes, and His direction in our own life and in the situation.

The bottom line is that I want to share this process with others and, since this type of prayer is most effective when it is done with others, I am offering to join you in your prayer journey with you.  If we have a small group that want to do this at the same time, so much the better as we will join with one another in prayer.

Five Lessons I Learned From the Poor

I wanted to share with you some powerful lessons I have learned from the poor:

Lesson 1: There is always a cheaper way to get something done if I’m willing to “make do.”

I was shocked when my Kenyan friend pointed out the motorcycle weaving in and out of traffic. “The older woman, sandwiched between the two younger men on that motorbike is deceased” he said.  “They don’t have taxi fare to get her to the cemetary, so they are making do with what they can afford.”  Wow!  And I thought I was making do by shopping on Craigslist for my major purchases!

Missionary to the Oaxacans in California -- a Story of How God Leads a Willing Heart

Our ministry partner and friend, Adam Sanders, is a true missionary to the immigrant Oaxacans, from Mexico, who live throughout California.  His impact among these people is far-reaching as he ministers to them spiritually while providing many needed services to their families.

This was NOT Adam's plan for his life!

I want to share his story with you--as he recently told it to me--because it so powerfully illustrates how a missionary heart--a heart for God's global purposes--can find fulfillment whether or not we ever leave our home town!

As I was a teenager I prepared myself to be a missionary with much zeal.  I would sleep on the floor often, and go on long hikes through the wilderness outside my father's ranch in Weed, CA. 

Then I spent a lot of time doing street ministry to learn to share the gospel, and wrote letters to missionaries around the world, keeping copies of correspondence.  I called this my "letter ministry."  I learned Spanish and some passable Laos and heard every missionary speak that I could.
