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10-Day Breakthrough Prayer Journey for You

While walking through a heavy personal challenge last month, I felt God lead me into a 10-day prayer process that clearly fueled several miracles that we saw take place including  my son's physical recovery.  At one point the doctors gave him less than a 25% chance of survival and today he has fully recovered.  Note, however, that this prayer process is not just "God, here is what I want... now give it to me."  Rather, it involves truly and humbly seeking His will, His purposes, and His direction in our own life and in the situation.

The bottom line is that I want to share this process with others and, since this type of prayer is most effective when it is done with others, I am offering to join you in your prayer journey with you.  If we have a small group that want to do this at the same time, so much the better as we will join with one another in prayer.

Every day of the prayer journey involves a specific, unique "assignment" or way to approach the process of prayer.  For example, day 1 involves reading through portions of the book of Acts in order to build our faith in the power and necessity of prayer.  Day 2 involves writing out our specific prayer-issue(s) and searching Scripture to fully understand God's will and purposes for this kind of situation.  Day 3 involves fasting (in whatever way you are comfortable with) and spending time listening to God's voice for us and for our situation. 

I won't write out the entire process here but I do want you to understand that this prayer focus will require at least 60 to 90 minutes a day for the 10 day period!

Let me know if you are interested or just want more information.  I am happy to pass on whatever I can and, if you are interested, fully engage with you in your own prayer journey.

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