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You Provide Farms and Water – Awesome Results!

We spent part of an afternoon with Peter and his family to hear firsthand the impact that the new borehole and farm is having.

Before the new farm was planted and the first harvest, Peter’s house was in desperate need of repair. School fees were often lacking, and there was never enough for the family let alone the orphans they had taken in to try to care for.

You can see the home that was recently replaced!

peter 1

But last year, many of you rallied to provide bore holes and farms to western Kenya and Peter’s family was a recipient!

First, the bore hole was provided so that the new crops could be properly cared for and the family could have access to water nearby.

peter 2
peter 3

Then the farm was put in planting mostly kale because it provides nourishment and, more importantly, is an excellent cash crop in that area. The church planting team provided all that was needed to plant and harvest along with technical knowledge and coaching.

peter 4

The result of the early harvest? A new home, some new chickens that are laying, food for orphans, and children able to go to school as school fees are paid!

peter 5

And, there is more!

Peter himself, with fresh motivation, has become one of the newer fruitful church planters. He has started 15 house churches in the region near his home and is using his resources from the farm to travel further afield where he has begun new works in several other areas.

It’s an amazing cycle: the Gospel motivates those who care (including you) to bless people, and those people who are helped to turn around and share the Gospel along with practical aid to others! You are a vital part of that cycle!


Hi Brooke and Roger.

Hi Brooke and Roger.
You two are amazing....thank you for all you do. The fresh water and chickens etc. are so great because it is so much more than handing out a bowl of cereal for a meal. They can sustain themselves and grow. More chickens, more crops. the new house is a blessing. I better send in another modest contribution this moment. Your work is priceless. It is an honor to help you help others. Of course, the Bread of Christ is the sustainer as well. Thank you for teaching them the infinite love of God.

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