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30,000 Baptisms in the Next 3 Years

This is the goal set by 30 people sitting in a room together from Rwanda and Burundi.

These key leaders had come together from distant provinces, traveling a long way, leaving their farms and simple lives to be with us in the capital city. It has been a humbling, powerful, and inspiring time.

And, the thing is, they could achieve this!

This number of baptisms was not pulled out of the air like some pie-in-the-sky goal. Rather, they were looking carefully at the hundreds of churches and over a thousand new discipleship groups already in existence throughout their network. Then they spent much time going over what they could expect from these churches and groups in each province. Finally, they calculated what they felt was possible over the next three years by the grace and power of God. It is a realistic faith-goal.

Based on what we have seen from these teams to-date, it could surely happen!

AND, here is the best part: this is just the beginning. For these teams, a person baptized is not just a convert or someone who will sit on a church pew. Every new believer is brought into a discipleship relationship and taught to become a joyful discipler of others. So, when 30,000 new disciples are unleashed on these nations with the passion to reach and disciple still more… well, you can do the math yourself! Explosive potential.

Here are a few of our amazing, faith-filled friends that you helped us gather with…

smiling African man
smiling African woman
smiling African men
a group of people from Rwanda and Burundi posing for the camera

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