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Your Help DOES Save Children's Lives

Good news from a massive study showing that the death rate for children under the age of 5 has dropped!  Sometimes we all wonder if giving to these countries in need is simply a bottomless pit.  But your generosity makes a difference!  There has even been an accelerated improvement over the last 10 years.

Granted, there are still far too many children dieing needlessly of preventable diseases, but we do want to celebrate the progress that we are making together.

Read more here.

Sponsor another child that can be rescued today.

Feeling Sentimental and Vulnerable

I so often feel sentimental towards you, our friends, when we travel. Current trip is no exception.

Some of you have known of us for years, others for a much shorter time. Yet it never ceases to amaze me that you take time out of your busy lives and schedules, filled with meaningful activities, to stand with us, pray for us, or to take the time to read these few words in a newsletter. Your involvement at our side in this way is nothing short of amazing and it fills me with gratitude.

You helped give her a life colored by His grace

MISSION DE FEMMES POUR CHANGER LA MENTALITEShe showed us the beautiful fabric she had colored as part of her training in the DR Congo's Women's project. By taking ordinary cloth and immersing it skillfully into colored dye, the material can be sold at a handy profit. This is a skill that will serve her well in supporting herself and her family.

But, her engaging smile suggested that she had learned far more than just a skill. Jesus had taken her life, which had become worn out from abuse and pain, and immersed it into the colors of His grace, strength, beauty, and power. "He makes all things new…"

She was set free when she forgave those who raped her

A friend of mine recounts the story:

The African believer’s teen daughter is raped multiple times by guerilla soldiers. The resultant pregnancy. The shame she faces in her culture because she is now considered "damaged goods." Shunned by friends. Looking toward a future without hope. But then, the Spirit of God begins to do a work that is humanly impossible. She forgives. She changes. She becomes a beautiful young mom. She is free. And, yes, a young man asks for her hand in marriage.

That's the power of redemption in one of the most difficult situations ever.
