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Prostitute becomes church planter—your gift of water filters provides catalyst

Pascaline was a prostitute and known as a troublemaker throughout the village. She was often found among the alcohol-addicted and criminals. Such a woman would surely die young and diseased.


But the church planting team from Burundi came into her village this year. Here is their story:


In February when we did distribution of water filters, among the receivers were new disciples and non-believers. Our target was to train new believers how to communicate the Gospel among their neighbors starting from those who received the water filters.


While brother Deo was installing a water filter in Pascaline’s house, he started by asking if he could tell her a story from the Bible and Pascaline said yes.


Deo began sharing with her the story of the prostitute from Luke 7 who, out of love for Jesus, came and broke an alabaster box of perfume in order to anoint his feet. The story ends with Jesus saying that this woman who loved much was forgiven much. Deo then asked discovery questions after sharing the story: “What does this story speak to you?” “How can you apply it in your own life?”


Pascaline answered these questions with tears streaming down her face.



Pascaline answered these questions with tears coming down her face. She asked Deo to come back and share more stories. Within a month she had found a transformed life and began sharing with others with joy and enthusiasm. Since that time she has started three new house churches and five new discipleship groups where new believers gather to learn stories from Scripture together.




Your gift of water filters continues to change so many lives!



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