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Missionaries in Asia Learning Language & Teaching English

Troy and Jennifer, who left this year to work with Chinese Tibetans, are part of a church planting team that we are supporting with coaching and training.

Although they are still in the process of learning language and culture, they have already stepped into a God-opportunity to teach Tibetans English. Here is Jennifer's report:

TibetanClass About a month and a half ago Troy met some guys interested in hearing about what we believe. He met them from one of the nights where he volunteers at the college coffee shop. The coffee shop is a place for students to practice language and a place for us to meet students. Then this started a great relationship with a few of the guys... It turns out they are connected to the English club on campus. They are all 2 year students (sophomores) and major in English. They were looking for a good English teacher. When they met Troy they got so excited with his willingness to be friends with them. They asked a few weeks later if he would be a teacher for their club... They wanted to pay us from their own pockets about $100 a month! We said the college said we can not be paid. The main guy was shocked and said we had to be paid for our time. Troy explained it is good for our language too and it is OK. He asked to just give the money to us and no one will know.  Troy explained how he would not feel good about that, and we are excited to get the experience to teach.

Anyway there are over 35 students. Troy and I have almost divided them in half. Troy will teach the advanced class every Monday evening for 2 hours and I will teach the beginners every Thursday morning for 2 hours. They are all Tibetan and I already learned how to say Thanks! ... It was so much fun. the first day they just asked me all their questions. Things about family, culture, food, the basics. Then someone asked me what is important to me. :) yep! Troy, kids and my God! Who??? God not Buddha. That's all for now that I shared. But, they want to study the American culture. Next Thursday it will be Thanksgiving day and I will share all about it. Then we head into December. We all know what that month holds!!!!!

This opportunity was not planned but we can see how God is strategically placing this couple among the Tibetans.

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