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Feeling Sentimental and Vulnerable

I so often feel sentimental towards you, our friends, when we travel. Current trip is no exception.

Some of you have known of us for years, others for a much shorter time. Yet it never ceases to amaze me that you take time out of your busy lives and schedules, filled with meaningful activities, to stand with us, pray for us, or to take the time to read these few words in a newsletter. Your involvement at our side in this way is nothing short of amazing and it fills me with gratitude.

I do realize that, more than anything, it's the vision God has given which pulls us together in one direction: "to see the poorest of the poor given the opportunity to live a productive life spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically."

Nevertheless, for us, your part in this is felt personally. I believe that's the way God works: through friends with a shared vision.

So now, since we are just sharing as friends, let me also be a bit vulnerable. In the midst of it all, I often feel the way Peter must have felt when we looked down and wondered how that water was holding him up. In my human insecurities, it's easy to imagine that this vision is far too big and our abilities way too small! "How can we be doing any of this?" "Can it continue?"

But, once again, YOU are the answer to that. This "thing" is, indeed, bigger than all of us. But, you keep us going and He keeps all of us continuing on. Guess that's just the way that friends and faith works!

With heartfelt love, Roger & Brooks

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