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Children helped to thrive during these times..

You can celebrate with us how the children at Liberty School have managed to thrive despite the difficult year. Since 2020 over 3,000 private schools in Kenya did not recover from the Covid lockdowns and closed their doors. Liberty School has survived and thrived in caring for every child during this time!

Emergency medication was provided when needed and no child or teacher was lost.

Covid requirements mandated by the government were met.

Food and aid was provided in homes during times of lockdown.

Christmas blessings were given out to encourage the children and needy families.

John, the Director of Liberty School, writes, "Your generous contributions really helped us to stand against the many tests and challenges. This is why I want to extend to you our heartfelt appreciation to God and you for standing with us in such times as this."

We thank God for you who partner with us.

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