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Appleseed Travel Journal

Meet Janet

When I first met Janet five years ago, she was a young bride.  Her husband had courted her for several years by buying her meals, topping off her mobile phone and buying her an occasional soda.  He never gave up pursuing her, because he was so sure she was “the one.”  Janet, however, was reluctant to give in, wanting to make absolutely sure that Aaron was God’s best for her.  Finally, though, she did when he took her on a date to the Kitale Museum This was the only place he could think of where they could be completely alone, so he could ask one more time if she would marry him.  Whether it was the museum or the girls he began to notice in addition to Janet that made her decide to marry him, I’m not sure, but now they have been married for six years and she is decidedly happy with her choice. You can see from her photo what a sweet, kind, soft, gentle person Janet is.  The first time we met, we were in a group of about 10 women where I was talking about some of the challenges in marriage.  After some time of each of us sharing, this new bride sat in complete shock saying she had never heard women talk about such things so openly.   Then, she sheepishly confided that her greatest challenge was listening.  Her husband was not the typical husband who would come home late or perhaps not at all.  Instead, he came home every night and talked, and talked and talked.  Her question to the rest of us was how long must she listen to him in order to be a good wife!  We still giggle and share knowing glances when in a group this husband of hers goes on and on and on.  (mmm, gives me tremendous insight and sympathy for my own poor husband, who in our case must be the long-suffering listener. ) Janet’s life is hard.  There have been days without food; there have been two pregnancies and births that somehow by God’s grace, she was able to pay for.  Rent has not been paid and ultimatums given by landlords.  Living with in-laws has become a customary necessity.  Waiting for the profits of harvested maize has been difficult, and loss of hoped for income during a season of drought, a trial all it’s own.  Worst of all, her youngest at age one began to have seizures, one after the other with few days in between.  Going to friends for money to be able to take him to the hospital was humiliating and difficult.  The doctors saying that he appears healthy, even though there are seizures, has been frustrating.  They tell her without further testing it is impossible to know what the problem is, but there are no funds to pay for more tests, so fear remains and a mother’s love is filled with worry. So how does Janet respond to these challenges?  The same as the first day I met her.  I asked her then how she practices her faith.  She simply answered, “I must get up very early, before my husband, before doing the washing.  I read God’s Word, I meditate on a verse I have read that touches my heart, I pray for strength and peace.”  That was five years ago.  She has not changed.  Just yesterday she told me, “There are things we can’t change by our understanding, but when we present them to God He will make the changes that are best.” Regardless, of all else, I stand in awe of the African woman.  She endures much; she walks silently often holding things deep within in her heart, but ever confident in her faith.   Without God, she has nothing.  With Him, she has hope.  Hope for healing for her son, hope for necessities – like food and clothes and housing.  Some do give up; but women, like Janet, look squarely at the grim face of adversity.   They hold on; they trust and they believe.  Janet is typical of the women I get to hang out with here in Africa.  They are young and courageous, full of faith, taking nothing for granted, grateful to have a God to hang onto and a Father who cares.  They inspire me and humble me.  Gifts all on their own.  

Rainy Season

I have an ongoing delight and fascination in the wonders of language and culture in Africa compared to ours in the U.S.  For example, the other day I was talking with someone who made the comment, “Sometimes I must edit myself.”  Now I ask you, isn’t that just the plain and simple truth of all of us?! For the past years I’ve wondered at the cleanliness of Kenyans.  In dry season, where I look down and see my feet caked with red dust and the same red film covers my hair, my clothes, even my skin, I look at nationals and they appear somehow miraculously clean from head to foot.  Now in rainy season, my shoes are coated in mud, pants splattered with dots of the red dirt, while Kenyans walk to and fro apparently spot free.  How???  I asked a friend today how is that possible?  He acknowledged that it was true.  He matter of factly stated that when it begins to rain, the Kenyan finds shelter somewhere—in a shop, under a tree, in a home.  With eyes wide and some confusion, he said, “The Whites, they continue to walk in the rain, even in the mud.  We think it is because they must enjoy it.” Mmmmm, now I ask you who needs the most help here?  The Kenyan or the American???  Maybe if I get out of the rain and mud, I, too, can be clean!

So Far, So Good

Roger: Our first week we are working with some key leaders on marriage which Brooks will fill you in on.  Next week we will begin some of our strategic meetings with leaders in which we will be sharing the prayers and words of encouragement that many of you have shared--over 14 pages worth!  We are very excited about the impact this will have. Brooks:  So far, so good!!!  It’s been rainy and cool ever since we arrived and the showers are definitely proof that God is pouring down his blessings on us already.  We had a couple of days to rest and get acclimated to Kenya time, which has really been good.  My body got the rest it needed to completely heal from the kidney infection, which has been a true blessing. Elizabeth and Dawson joined us on Monday in Nairobi so we got right to work on what we are going to present next weekend at the couple's retreat in Kitale.  I really feel like the Holy Spirit has been leading us as we’ve developed the material.  It includes a lot of practical exercises to introduce during our time together that hopefully, couples will continue to use to build up their marriages.  We are praying that marriages that need healing will be healed and that each couple will come away with new tools to create even tighter bonds; also that the couples will be open to some new ways to communicate, committing to pray together, and that they will have a fresh and deep desire for each other.  Please join us in praying that these awesome men and women would have a desire to please and honor God in their marriages and that modeling a godly marriage would be replicated throughout East Africa. Roger: Wednesday was a full day of travel from Nairobi to Kitale often winding our way around the ever present potholes.  Pictures tell it all...

Africa Calls

We have never been as excited about a trip as this one.  We have shared with you that the guys in Africa are talking about an explosion of new churches.  We are going to be challenging them to listen to God and set some outrageous goals.  And, we are going to seed this process by praying over them  the prayers and words y’all are sending with us.  We are already soaking in those words and encouragements so that they become part of all of our trainings, coaching, and hanging out times.  If you want to get in on this (and haven’t yet), read the previous post and jump in! Here are some of the reasons why Africa is calling:

Pray & Listen With Us -- To Advance His Kingdom

Right now, you have the opportunity to pray and listen to God in partnership with our international team leaders.  Join us in a very practical way (keep reading)! We believe that God is preparing this East African team for an ‘explosion of churches among the poor.’ What can you and I do right now? During the next several weeks, as we travel throughout East Africa, we will be asking each of our team leaders to pray and ask God what He wants them to believe for.  As we spend time with them praying and listening, we will see some clear goals emerge. But, they cannot accomplish this alone! We need to act first, right now, so I am asking you to join us in these two ways:

1. Pray!

2. Share whatever Scripture, prayer, or encouragement that God gives you for this team or for this vision!  Either do it right now before you move on to other things, or take some time this week and then make sure you come back to share with us so that we can share with the leaders.

We will take your prayers, words, and encouragements with us as we travel and each one will be shared with our team. I cannot express how vital this is to the process of releasing Kingdom power where it is so desperately needed.  The Kingdom advances by the power of His Spirit as we listen and follow His leading!  Doing this in partnership—together—will greatly enhance and empower the forward momentum of this vision. Join us by praying and then sharing:

By leaving a comment here

By emailing us:

Or by joining our Facebook prayer group and share there

Go ahead and pray and share.  OR, take a couple of moments and look over our key team leaders as you pray: Dawson, married to Elizabeth, lives in Kitale, Kenya and his church planting influence extends throughout East Africa.  He is the one who recently said, “I believe we are ready for an explosion of churches.” John, married to Eunice, has planted many new churches in Kakamega, Kenya with a heart to see every person, from women to disabled people, empowered to live productive lives. Henry, married to Dorcas, has begun planting churches in Uganda throughout this past year and has been very fruitful.  He also serves in his community educating people about AIDS and health care for families. Justin, married to Anne Marie, has been planting churches in Rwanda over the past year and is expanding into different rural areas as well as Burundi.  He is committed to seeing a reproducing movement of churches in these areas. Steven, married to Angel, is in D.R. Congo and has such a heart to see this war-torn nation reached.  He trains leaders throughout his region and also works to see the unreached people groups of D.R. Congo, including Pygmy tribes, reached with the love of Christ.


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