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A Few of the Funny Things I See and Hear Along the Way…

smiley face “I can tell by your faces how they are shining that you are doing very well…strong and happy.” - A Kenyan Friend

“OK, there’s something I want to react on…” - Ugandan Friend

“OK, well, it’s very important, but it’s not very, very important-.” - Kenyan Friend

“You wear those things…up to down here (pointing to ankle)…” - Friend along the way

“Sometimes when I think about these things it soaks me in tears…” - Kenyan John Wanyonyi

“It is not bad; ok, well, let me say it is not very bad.” - This is what most everyone says in response to a question I’ve asked when they are trying to tell me something pretty much sucks!

“…in other words, God is the Director of Operations…” - Malawi Friend

“Brooks, I have known you and Roger for a long time now. You have become very, very old, but you remain the same. You and Roger love each other so much. You are a great model for us. You must tell us what your secret to a happy marriage is.” - Burundi Friend

Today I watched an impertinent boy, belonging to an obviously quite wealthy Indian family, after being patted down by security, giggle hysterically and then turn right around and pat down the TSA guy!

“OK, well, it’s far, but not very far.” - Almost everyone in response to our asking how far something is or how long it will take to get there.

“You can see these people (Roger and myself) are very old now, but they keep coming back to Africa. That’s how much they love us here.” - DR Congo Church Planter introducing us to his leaders

Flying from Malawi to Kenya (about two hours), I was frantically touching the small screen in front of me trying to produce a display of long missed TV opportunities, but all of my pounding produced nothing but a blank screen. Just then a stewardess arrived passing out headphones. I told her that it seemed my screen wasn’t working. She said, “I know. But just in case it should decide to come, here are your headphones.”

Visiting about things of personal import, a new friend asked me, “We were just discussing (she and her friend) and may I just ask you, ‘How long is it that you keep your hair?’” I had no idea how to answer. For her, she will “keep” hers (a wig or weavings) without removing, and often without washing, it for up to 2 months. For now I think I’ll just keep mine as long as I can!

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